Accessible Home Solution

Home Safety & Acessibility Asessment/Report

Home Safety & Acessibility Asessment/Report

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Our expertise encompasses a wide range of needs, including those arising from spinal cord and orthopaedic injuries, acquired brain injuries, amputations, cognitive impairments, and age-related mobility challenges.

We offer comprehensive services to the insurance industry, legal community, and private and public sectors from initial accessibility assessments and detailed reports to complete project management for accessible design and construction. Our team possesses a unique blend of architectural design, rehabilitation, and costing expertise. This multidisciplinary approach allows us to anticipate challenges, develop innovative solutions, and create spaces that truly meet the diverse needs of our clients.

These documents have proven invaluable in legal proceedings, including trials, mediations, and arbitrations. In complex cases, our reports have been used by both plaintiffs and defence counsel, demonstrating their objectivity and comprehensive nature. Our expertise has been recognized and endorsed by judges and arbitrators.